
Unlike most active ingredients,
Geraniol does not act on the nervous system

More than 15 scientific studies have been carried out to date,
which have not concluded that Geraniol is an endocrine disruptor

No DNA changes
that increase the risk of cancer

Not classified as toxic to the developing foetus
or to human fertility

Easily broken down by micro-organisms

The worker bee (Apis mellifera) produces geraniol
to mark the entrance to its hive

geraniol can be obtained by distillation or
be manufactured synthetically,
which eliminates any risk of shortages
The range

BREYNER founded the Biocide Task Force , which is defending the approval of Geraniol (CAS 106-24-1) under European Biocide Regulation n°528/2012 for insecticidal (TP18) and repellent (TP19) uses.
We are an official supplier of Geraniol authorised by ECHA for biocidal use in Europe (article 95 of the BPR). We have two types of Geraniol: GERANIOL 118 of synthetic origin and GERANIOL 338 of natural origin.


BREYNER is the only company with a complete biocidal approval dossier for Geraniol. We are therefore the best market player able to provide you with a Letter Of Access, which is required for obtaining Market Authorisation for your biocidal products.
Estimated approval date for Geraniol : 2026
A compound with a bright future

Neurotoxicity: an urgent health issue
The Active Substances used in insecticides are attracting increasing criticism for their impact on humans and the environment. They are suspected of causing cancer, Parkinson’s disease, neurological problems, soil pollution, etc. At the same time, global warming and globalisation are accelerating the proliferation of new insect species in our countries, which are more resistant and dangerous than ever (Asian hornets, tiger mosquitoes, to name but a couple).
The need for a new generation of insecticide solutions is becoming increasingly urgent, and regulatory authorities have decided to push manufacturers in this direction in order to offer consumers safer solutions. This is the ambitious challenge that BREYNER has chosen to take up by supporting the Geraniol molecule as TP18/TP19 since 2002, and by developing innovative formulas to benefit from its qualities to the full.
The art of well-considered formulation
By combining Geraniol with a carefully selected list of ingredients, our scientists have identified synergistic effects that increase the biocidal effectiveness of Geraniol tenfold to levels comparable to the most common neurotoxic substances on the market. These formulas are protected by innovative patents and offer the perfect balance between biocidal effect, toxicological balance and environmental impact. They are not classified as sensitising on contact with the skin and are easy to handle because they are formulated using an aqueous base.